"I don't have a problem with going into a fire"

This is how Elon Musk answered a religious question submitted by a Saudi person on his Twitter account.
This is how Elon Musk answered a religious question

This is how Elon Musk answered a religious question

The latest global billionaire Elon Musk, a sensation among the public after writing a new publication on the special page on the social networking site in which he said: "I have no problem to enter the fire, most humans Sidkhalunha", which led to the surprise of many observers.

This is how Elon Musk answered a religious question

Mentions that it is not the first time that the holder happens controversy, as he recently wrote on his own account: "If I die in mysterious circumstances, I was pleased to recognize you," The publication mask after warning from his recent head of the space agency Dmitry Rogozin.