What does the issue of Elon Musk Amber Heard and Johnny Depp was having an affair with her!
 Saying only: "I hope that it Atakttiya, they are impressive"

What does the issue of Elon Musk Amber Heard and Johnny Depp was having an affair with her!  Saying only: "I hope that it Atakttiya, they are impressive"
Promising Elon Musk, CEO of my company Tesla and Space X, for a short period of American actress Amber Heard in 2017, after a period of separation from global actor Johnny Depp.

Recently, the holder broke his silence with regard to the bilateral issue, which continues to occupy public opinion and the press.

Echoes the case of Johnny Deep..aalonElon Musk  reveals buy «Twitter» for Amber Heard (Video)

She had heard on Friday, Fairfax County, Virginia Court of the United States of America to the closing arguments of the legal parties of the binary.
Promising Elon Musk, CEO of my company Tesla and Space X, for a short period of American actress Amber Heard in 2017, after a period of separation from global actor Johnny Depp.   Recently, the holder broke his silence with regard to the bilateral issue, which continues to occupy public opinion and the press.
The duo didn't start dating until after Heard's marriage to Johnny Depp fell apart

The next day, the British newspaper The Mirror pointed out that the mask - which promising Hurd briefly in 2017 - moved to Twitter to express his opinion on this issue, which is much talk about.

 Where he is suing the representative of the Pirates of the Caribbean (58 years), his ex-wife on charges of alleged defamation over an opinion piece I wrote in the Washington Post in December 2018.
The next day, the British newspaper The Mirror pointed out that the mask - which promising Hurd briefly in 2017 - moved to Twitter to express his opinion on this issue, which is much talk about.   Where he is suing the representative of the Pirates of the Caribbean (58 years), his ex-wife on charges of alleged defamation over an opinion piece I wrote in the Washington Post in December 2018.
Musk addressed Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, where he said I hope they get over this. Both are wonderful.”

 Musk's tweet comes in response to a tweet by MIT research scientist Lex Friedman, who made the most important points about the famous trial.

 It is reported that Musk, 50, and Heard, 36, began their romance in 2017.
Musk addressed Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, where he said I hope they get over this.  Both are wonderful.”   Musk's tweet comes in response to a tweet by MIT research scientist Lex Friedman, who made the most important points about the famous trial.   It is reported that Musk, 50, and Heard, 36, began their romance in 2017.
According to the duo reportedly first met in 2013 in the filming site of violent thriller Machete Kills, who played the role of Heard "Miss San Antonia" a starring role.

Duo did not start dating until after the collapse of the marriage Heard Johnny Depp.

It has been mentioned holder name during the legal battle that is fought with her ex-husband Hurd, where he accused Deeb holder having an affair affair with Hurd during their marriage - Which was denied "vigorously" by both Musk and Heard
Donations story
 The court also heard how Musk donated $1 million to two charities in honor of Heard while they were having an affair in 2017.

 During her testimony earlier this month, Heard told the jury how she promised to donate the entirety of her $7 million divorce settlement to charity because she wasn't interested in her ex-husband's money.

As I explained how it was agreed that it would pay premiums on donations for tax reasons but was forced to stop payments temporarily because of legal battles.

Her lawyer also asked whether anyone had donated to charity on her behalf, she replied Hurd: "Yes Eilon, Eilon, who was my boyfriend at the time and who has donated $ 500 thousand dollars on my behalf."

 Separation of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
 Suing "Depp" his ex-wife "Hurd" for $ 50 million in compensation for defamation over an opinion piece written in December 2018 on the submission of allegations of ill-treatment, although she did not mention by name in the article.

 On the other hand, it filed a lawsuit counter Hurd asking $ 100 million.

The jury is scheduled to resume deliberations on Tuesday, after hearing closing arguments on Friday, and a verdict is expected next week.