Elon Musk:

 "If you died under mysterious circumstances, it would have been nice to know you."

  • Businessman Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, caused a stir on the Twitter platform, with a mysterious tweet, which came a few minutes after another tweet that he said was a message from the head of the Russian Space Agency, Dmitry Rogozin, to the Russian media in which he threatened Hold accountable.

“If you die in mysterious circumstances” .. Elon Musk causes a stir with a tweet after publishing “Rogozin’s message”

  • And Musk said, in a tweet that hundreds of thousands of tweeters interacted with: “If you die in mysterious circumstances, it is good to know you all.”
  •  One of the commentators on his tweet was his mother, May Musk, who described what he wrote as "not funny", to which Musk replied, "Sorry! I will do my best to stay alive."

His Mother Responds To Him

This tweet was preceded by another tweet by Musk, which included a picture of what Rogozin said about Musk providing Ukraine with a “Starlink” system for free satellite Internet. "Elon Musk is involved in supporting fascist forces in Ukraine with military communications equipment. That is why, Elon, you will be held accountable as an adult, no matter how foolish you play," Rogozin stated.