Johnny Depp's lawyer explodes a surprise

Six weeks after the start of the trial that brought together American actor Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard, the jury in the judicial dispute decided to continue deliberations to issue its decision on Tuesday, in mutual accusations of defamation and domestic violence between the duo.
Johnny Depp's lawyer explodes a surprise

Johnny Depp's lawyer blows up a surprise and Amber Heard sends him a request before sentencing.

In the closing pleading yesterday, Amber Heard's lawyer described her client's life as hell since the beginning of the trial sessions, demanding that Johnny Depp's lawsuit against her be dismissed so that she can continue her life and raise her child.

For her part, lawyer Cami Vasquez, the agent of American artist Johnny Depp, said that he also wants to resume his normal life after Amber Heard filed a false lawsuit against him 6 years ago for domestic violence.

And Johnny Depp's lawyer stressed that her client was a victim of violence from his wife and not the other way around, continuing: "No woman before Amber Heard had accused Depp of assaulting her in 58 years, and no one after that."

She explained that Johnny Depp has lost everything since the accusations were brought against him and was dismissed by Hollywood after the article published by Amber Heard in the Washington Post about her exposure to domestic violence.

She confirmed that Johnny Depp supports the "MeToo" movement that exposes violence against women and believes in it, addressing her speech to Amber Heard, saying: "Your lies were revealed to the world," and Heard replied, "I know how many people will appear out of nowhere to support Johnny."

Vasquez blew a surprise to the audience in the last session through a number of photos taken of Amber Heard at a number of parties and events on the same dates that she claimed to have been beaten and abused and appeared in good health without traces of violence.

Amber Heard files a request for Johnny Depp

Amber Heard accused her ex-husband, Johnny Depp, of leading a campaign to harass and threaten her after leaving her afraid for her life as a result of the death threats she had made, noting that she just wanted him to leave her alone.

Millions watched the last session of the trial, especially after the details and surprises revealed by the previous sessions and the details revealed by the famous duo.

Amber Heard, who cried during the session, added: "The harassment and humiliation, the campaign against me repeated every day on social media and now in front of the cameras in the hall, every day I have to relive the shock."

 The story dates back to when Johnny Depp was associated with Amber Heard from 2015 to 2017, when the latter came out accusing him of abusing and beating her.

The relationship of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is one of the relationships that occupied public opinion for a long time, especially after the dispute reached the court arenas, and the duo exchanged cases that varied between defamation and infringement cases.