• Elon Musk has been accused of sexual misconduct by a SpaceX flight attendant...
  • Claims that the CEO of SpaceX offered to buy the host horsepower versus sexual acts.
SpaceX company paid $ 250 thousand dollars to settle the case of sexual misconduct against Elon Musk accused after a flight attendant on board the aircraft company chief executive by exposing himself to the middle of the journey, according to reports Insider.

The story of the sexual harassment accusation against Elon Musk

According to the Insider, the incident occurred in 2016 and the company settled with the host, which did not mention its name in 2018, according to a friend of the hostess that was telling them at the same time the incident but is not bound by any non-disclosure agreements with the company.

  •  Claims that the holder asked "massage for the entire body" and offered to host buy a horse if they are "going to do more."
  •  Also it refers to the Insider that has been host to encourage the payment of your massage professional training of her pocket so you can better serve Musk during the flights.

It was during a massage during a trip to London when Musk allegedly revealed himself and "approached" her. Describing the incident, the friend said: "He touched her thigh and told her he was going to buy her a horse." "And he basically tried to bribe her to perform some kind of sexual service."

 The host reportedly rejected Musk's advances, and later felt she was being "punished" with fewer turnouts at SpaceX. She settled with Musk in 2018 "after a session with a broker that Musk personally attended," says Insider.

 According to the report, Musk responded to questions by saying "there is a lot more to this story," but did not go into details. "If I am inclined to engage in sexual harassment, it is unlikely that this will be the first time in my 30-year career," he told the newspaper.

 We have reached out to SpaceX for comment.

Mask moved since then to Twitter to respond to the allegations, describing them as "totally incorrect" and pointed to a friend, adding that SpaceX did not remember her name as "false". 

 This is not going to be the first time that make possible defamatory statements holder against his enemies perceived on the site. It is worth mentioning that the Tweets mask does not include any denial that SpaceX paid a former employee $ 250 thousand dollars to settle the claim of alleged misconduct, he or she is subject to what it called Insider terms "non-disclosure of restricted and non-derogable, which prevents the accompanying from the absolute discussion" separation compensation or disclosure any information of any kind of mask and his works. "
In a separate tweet, holder stated that he "must be seen against me attacks from a political perspective" - although it is unclear whether it is intended to refer to or Insider whistleblowers or both.