The Sphinx appears while sleeping, causing controversy in Egypt and leading the trend of social networks. 

abu alhawl sleeping

The Sphinx is one of the most famous and oldest historical statues in Egypt

The Sphinx appears while sleeping, causing controversy in Egypt and leading the trend of social networks.

The Sphinx is sleeping.. the truth of the uproar caused by the most famous statues in Egypt

 Social networking sites in Egypt were buzzing with pictures of the archaeological Sphinx, which is located in Giza Governorate, after allegations that it had been filmed with "closed eyes", which was denied by sources at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

 According to the local "Masrawy" website, a Facebook account posted the alleged photo, and its publisher said it was taken of the "sleeping" statue, on Saturday.

On the other hand, the site quoted well-informed sources at the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities as saying that the published pictures were fabricated, "and all that is circulated in this regard are just baseless nonsense."
 Some have taken videos near the statue to confirm that the false posts are not true.

On the other hand, the site quoted well-informed sources at the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities as saying that the published pictures were fabricated, "and all that is circulated in this regard are just baseless nonsense."

 Some have taken videos near the statue to confirm that the false posts are not true.

And the "Seventh Day" website quoted official sources within the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities as saying that the purpose of the fabricated photos was to "create confusion."

 And funny comments spread about the incident, which was not the first of its kind for one of the most famous statues in Egypt and the world.

In 2020, he said senior member of Al-Azhar Scholars, Ali Gomaa, said that the statue depicts the prophet "Idris."

 He commented on those statements the famous Egyptian archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, said: "This information has not been aware of nothing, but echoed by many of the freaks effects without studying."

 The Great Sphinx of the most famous and oldest historical statues in Egypt, due to around 2500 BC.