«Was bullied because of his clothes» .. uncover new information about port operation «Texas School»

US media pointed out that the shooting process port at a primary school in the US state of Texas, named Salvador Ramos, aged 18, and was constantly exposed as a youngster bullied by his colleagues in the classroom because of the poverty of his family and put a solution to the eye.

This American press described the operation «bloody with the most taking place in a school in the United States years ago», after the killing of 19 young students and two teachers on Tuesday, May 24th 2022. The United States has seen a 27 process of shooting inside the schools since the beginning of the year 2022.

The Washington Post newspaper quoted Ramos of his colleagues, he was subjected to insults and was ridiculed because of his clothes. The Ramos spent his childhood in the state of North Dakota, it has moved to Texas a short time ago.

 He pointed out a former colleague, who asked not to be identified, told CNN that he and Ramos were close to some extent and were playing together video games, pointing out that the killer was a fan of fighting game «Call of Duty» and explained that Ramos began to play truant gradually as a result of bullying, which school he was exposed to him because of his clothes and the financial situation of his family, after graduating from high school, he worked in Ramos fast Food Restaurant, where his colleagues remember him that he was quiet and non-social.

Four days before the shooting incident, it was reported that Ramos sent his friend to show the image of weapons and ammunition information and suggest that he bought two guns warships to mark the eighteenth birthday holiday.