With affected features .. Amber Heard: They threatened to put my child in the microwave

Amber Heard at his last court session May 25, 2022 - Reuters
Amber Heard at his last court session May 25, 2022 - Reuters

While approaching the issue of dual-famous Hollywood Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, from the end where many people around the world is waiting for the results of today's closing arguments to lead, American actress came out to reveal a surprise.

Deeply moved, Amber Heard confirmed that she had received "thousands" of threats to kill her and her child, threatening to put the little girl in the microwave, since the trial began in a defamation lawsuit filed against her by her ex-husband, Johnny Depp, in an American court.

"People make fun of my assault testimony, while others express their desire to kill me and tell me that every day, and they want to put my child in the microwave," the 36-year-old heroine of "Aquaman" said in testimony during the last session of the trial, sadly.

Daily insult

 Hurd also said a mother of a child "touch upon harassment, humiliation and death threats a day, just because I am in this courtroom."

 It reported as "forced daily" to live again the trauma suffered as a result of domestic violence, which accuses him of Johnny Depp.

 She described the trial as "the most painful test and humiliation and ugliness" in her life.

Reiterated Thursday Amber Heard it is exposed to violence, "verbal and physical, emotional and psychological" by Deeb during their relationship, which lasted between 2011 and 2016.

Defamation and insults campaign

 This showed sessions that lasted over six weeks the details of the couple's troubled relationship and the bus Balhjarat, and Ruth Hurd facts were a number of them lead to physical violence when Johnny Depp is under the influence of a combination of abuse of drugs and alcohol.

And gather hundreds of supporters of Johnny Depp every morning before a court in the small town of Fairfax, Virginia, near Washington, to support the star of "The Pirates Of The Karepien."

The representative also suffered a campaign of defamation and insults through networking sites since the start of the trial, which enjoys considerable media attention.

Threatening to make sessions closed and without an audience

Comments from the audience in the courtroom after a heated debate between Heard and Depp's lawyer, led to a disturbance of the session, in contrast to the calm that had prevailed in the previous sessions since April 11, prompting Judge Benny Azkarite to threaten to make the court sessions closed and without an audience.

A raging legal battle is taking place between the star and his ex-wife, who exchange serious accusations, as Johnny Depp accuses his ex-wife, Amber Heard, of damaging his reputation and undermining his career after confirming in an article published by the "Washington Post" in 2018 that she had been subjected to domestic violence two years before that while they were still married, from Without explicitly mentioning his name. Depp denies the accusations, and demands $50 million in damages.

It launched a counter-attack Hurd claim representative compensation multiplier of one hundred million dollars, and confirmed that Depp for years its violence, and raped her in 2015.

 The advanced blonde actress filed for divorce in May / May 2016, accusing Hollywood star of domestic violence, and became effective at the beginning of their divorce in 2017.

 Recall that due to lawyers for both sides submit final statements on Friday, before it meets a jury composed of seven members of deliberation.

 In the case did not reach a verdict during the day, members will continue their deliberations next Tuesday.