
The full story of the most uproarious news these days, in brief and sequential form.

 (Jeffrey Epstein) is an American billionaire with ties to the financial and political elite. In 2005, he harassed a 14-year-old underage girl in the state of Florida and tried to lure her into the field of prostitution. Her father filed a harassment case against him, and they discovered that he had done the same thing with 36 underage girls as well, so they sentenced him to prison.

 After 13 months, they released him after settlement deals. At that time, he had bought an island in the Caribbean and began carrying out suspicious practices there, and senior people traveled to that island, about which rumors abounded.

 In 2019, they arrested him again on the same charges, along with underage girls as well, but this time Epstein committed suicide in the cell in a way that made the case explode in the media, and conspiracy theories emerged saying that he did not commit suicide, but rather was killed so that the secret could be buried with him.

 Conspiracy theories that were called (Pizza Gate) or (Pizza Scandal) turned out to be partly true. The theory says that the island that Epstein bought was a hotbed for the gathering of senior politicians and financial executives from the United States and Britain, where they carried out acts of vice that contradict all morals and religious and human laws (orgies and prostitution). With children and so on) and there are big names who were with them.

 Epstein was able to do this with the help of a British woman named (Ghislaine Maxwell), a social environmental activist who founded a group for awareness and ocean conservation. They arrested her and she is now serving a 20-year prison sentence.

 It is said that Russian President Putin was the reason for spreading this scandal in 2016 in order to help Trump win the elections through a cyber attack on the emails of Hillary Clinton, who was closer to winning, but lost in the end due to those leaks made by the Russians. Among Hillary’s emails were encrypted messages that spoke It tells about a “pizza” shop called Comet that is a meeting center for the Department of Human Trafficking and Child Sex.

 Why did the issue appear in the media again, stronger than before?

 Because they published the names of people who were in a relationship with Epstein or whose names were mentioned in the case files, and many names were leaked, such as:
 - Hillary Clinton
 - Michael Jackson
 -Former US President Donald Trump
 -Former US President Barack Obama
 - British Prince Andrew, Duke of York
 -Bill Clinton (mentioned 50 times in court documents)
 - Magician David Copperfield
 - The famous director George Lucas, owner of the Star Wars series
 - Physicist Stephen Hawking, who suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
 - Former head of the occupying state, Ehud Barak
 - The famous actor Kevin Spacey
 -Former US Vice President Al Gore
 - The famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio
 - Famous actress Cameron Diaz
 - Famous actress Cate Blanchett
 - Famous TV presenter Oprah Winfrey
 - The famous singer Madonna
 - Social star Paris Hilton
 - Famous director Steven Spielberg
 - The famous actor Tom Hanks

 These are some names, and hundreds of other names will be published in the coming days, according to the media. The presence of the names does not mean that they are guilty, but only that they were mentioned in the case files.

 For example, Donald Trump's name appeared, but witnesses in the case said that he met Epstein only a few times in public meetings and conferences during the 1990s, and there was no relationship between them.

 Until the names or anything new is released, it will be published at that time.